Monday, February 21, 2011


This guy is a douche bag. I can understand just being a prick. I give people the benefit of the doubt in that case. But scamming? No sympathy. I hope he goes to jail. If it's the drug's fault, maybe he'll get clean and become a better person. I hope so. His voice is so lovely.


  1. Im pretty sure you have no right to talk shit. He's obviously gone farther in life than you have.

  2. He has anamazing voice and travels all over the country and sings in a band. You sit on a computer and post fake pictures of him and talk shit.

  3. Haha uh well duh he's gone farther. Am I saying I have? No. He just wasn't being very nice to his fans. I'm a huge fan of his. But saying scamming is okay is foolish. I'm behind him totally now, as long as he doesn't pull more shit like that. Also, I feel like if you read closer, you could realize this. I'm not trying to say I'm better than him. He's incredible. He just made some questionable decisions.

  4. Haha actually, that post is harsh. I just reread it. Let me just say this now: I really like him, I want him to succeed, I don't want him to be a bad person and I loooove him in the new DGD cd.

  5. I'm pretty sure going to college means I've gone farther than him....
