Song that Will Represent Summer 2009

Simply the actions that happened when I was listening to this song and the things that it means will memorialize this song for me.
Runner up: A Crater to Cough In- Circle Takes the Square.
Best Hardcore Song

This Song is one the greatest songs I have ever heard. The musicianship that went in to this song is astounding. It builds slowly, with a four minute instrumental that lulls you into some sense of peace. Then it builds into the vocals. The music shifts perfectly from slow to fast in about 5 seconds. The double bass pedal is used perfectly in this song, highlights the most intense parts in the song. It rides like a roller coaster, with the song ending in a crescendo of sound and music, perfectly concentrating everything that Circle Takes the Square is into 30 seconds of perfect music. This song kicks ass.
Runner up: When The Sun Sleeps- Underoath
Best Indie Song

The song's sweetness and tenderness really is amazing. It came at a perfect time and refused to get out of my head for the longest time. Plus, she preformed it perfectly live.
Runner up: Titus Andronicus- Titus Andronicus
Best Rap Song

Bitch I'm paid, that's all I gotta say.
Runner up- A Milli- Lil Wayne
Best Punk Song

This song is a good song. It moves quickly and almost everything in the chorus can be a catch phrase. Fun Song.
Runner up: Incomplete- Bad Religion.
Best Out of Place Song

This song's mash up is one the most perfect I've heard in the realm of mash ups. It blends Creed perfectly with Nelly and then Blink 182 and Nelly. Then brings in A Milli at the right time. It works very very well.
Runner Up: Paparazzi- Lady Gaga.
Artist that Will Represent Summer 2009

Simply the amount that I listened to Homesick this summer will make ADTR the artist that I think of when I think of this summer.
Runner up: Underoath
Best Hardcore Artist

How could this not be the winner? As the Roots Undo is such an amazing CD that I would be hard pressed to really give this to anyone else.
Runner up: Underoath
Best Indie Artist

This band was introduced to me mid way through summer and I really enjoyed their CD. It's chalk full of literary references (Titus Andronicus. Cmon) and fun puns (Arms Against Atrophy). It makes for a good time and a fun artist.
Runner Up: Animal Collective.
Best Rap Artist

This dude sucks, but he makes some catchy songs that do make you feel much cooler than you are. To me, that's what rap is suppose to do.
Runner up: MikeyWhiskeyHands
Best Punk Artist

No question about it, these guys rock. They are like if Jack Kerouac played music.
Runner up: Bad Religion
Best Out of Place Artist

These guys rule the mash up scene. They are up there with Girl Talk, though Girl Talk still manages to be better. But this is about new artists, not old ones.
Runner up: Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Best New Artist

Runner up: The Gaslight Anthem
Best Old Artist

Somehow, these guys stay relevant to me. They make catchy music that somehow still has meaning after all this time.
Runner up: Underoath
CD that will represent Summer 2009

Again, surprised at all?
Runner up: As the Roots Undo- Circle Takes the Square
Best Indie CD

If you didn't see this coming, I feel bad for you.
Runner up: Hospice- The Antlers
Best Hardcore CD
Besides As the Roots Undo:

Lost in the Sound of Separation- Underoath
This CD is an amazing CD. It's instrumentals wind around the vocals and help it deal a real blow to the listener. It swirls in and out of desperation, hopelessness and then finally redemption. This is Underoath at their finest.
Runner up: A Skylit Drive- Adelphia
Best Rap CD

This CD has some solid singles on it, but nothing to much else. Supposedly it's really good, but I haven't listened to enough of it to judge that. Rap doesn't strike me as the kind of music with entire CDs.
Best Punk CD

I'm rather boring, actually.
Runner Up: Document 8- Pg.99
Best Out of Place CD

Now, this CD is hipster garbage. But it's good and interesting hipster garbage that seems to keep being good somehow.
Runner Up: Fuck Bitches, Get Euros- Super Mash Brothers
Best CD of the Summer

Was their really any doubt? This CD is the best CD I have ever heard and the amount of praise that I heap upon this so regularly is absurd. I've said everything that I can about this CD so I'm going to say anymore.
Runners Up:
The '59 Sound- The Gaslight Anthem
Eingya- Helios
Lost in the Sound of Separation- Underoath
Adelphia- A Skylit Drive
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